Olympic Weightlifting Workouts

Olympic weightlifting is more technique than strength however one needs to be extremely strong to compete in the Olympics. Weight lifting takes practice, which just like any weight training objective first needs to done using perfect form or technique. One can easily add weight-lifting movements to any strength training routine.

If you have been training with weights and want a completely different take on strength gain then you should try Olympic weightlifting. Although the technique takes some getting used to, it is extremely rewarding to discover that you can lift a heavier weight doing a snatch or a clean and jerk.

Below is a 4-week weightlifting training program great for getting started with once you have found someone to teach the basic form of the snatch, power-clean, power jerk and the related pulls as well as the overhead squat and the front squat.

It is advised that technique should be practiced with a very light weight as a warming up. The movement selected for the warm-up should be the focus of the days training. So on Wednesday you do snatches you should do 5 or 6 sets with lots of reps using a very light weight to warm-up and practice technique.

Additional movements would be suggested to increase the progress you will make. Movements like abdominal work and back extensions would be of great value when weightlifting. The workout listed below is for a full week of Olympic weight-lifting. Clean and jerk 5 x 2+1 will mean doing 5 sets of 2 cleans immediately followed by 1 jerk per set.

Clean & Jerk 5 x 2+1
Clean Pull 3 x 3
Back Squat 3 x 5

Snatch 5 x 2
Snatch Pull 3 x 3
Front Squat 3 x 3

Power Snatch 5 x 2
Power Clean & Power Jerk 5 x 2(1+1)
Overhead Squat 3 x 3

Snatch heavy singles
Clean & Jerk heavy singles
Front Squat heavy singles

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