Tri Sets Workout Routine

Tri sets amongst bodybuilders are considered to be the most effective way to bust through a training plateau that you have been dealing with. The tri set idea was built on pre-exhaustion which can be clearly demonstrated in the example given below.

It needs to be said that tri sets are definitely not for beginners because it relies completely on good form at all times. Reaching the point of failure and going beyond that point ALWAYS needs to be with perfect form, or the best you can do to always maintain good form or technique.

This intense workout is designed to make you suffer so you need to get into the "looking for pain" mindset because you are going to the max when training with tri sets. There are tri-set options for designed for every body-part, so we will be concentrating on legs for this tri set.

We have listed 2 different tri sets, the first is for legs and the second is probably responsible for most people reaching a training plateau when training and that is shoulders. The shoulder tri set listed below the leg tri set is short and sweet working all three heads of the deltoids.

The three movements listed for the leg tri set below are stiff-legged deadlifts, D/B lunges and lying leg curls. You need to move from one movement to the next without resting. When the tri-set is complete then rest only 45 seconds before going onto the next set.


Set 1:
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts: 10 reps
Walking D/B Lunges: 20 paces
Lying Leg Curls: 10 reps

Set 2:
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts: 12 reps
Walking D/B Lunges: 25 paces
Lying Leg Curls: 12 reps

Set 3:
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts: 15 reps
Walking D/B Lunges: 30 paces
Lying Leg Curls: 15 reps


The shoulder tri-set listed below is again done with no rest between each of the three exercises. Starting with standing military press with a barbell, then wide-grip upright rowing and finishing with seated bent-over deltoid flyes. Always make sure that the military press is done with full range of motion bringing the barbell right down to the upper chest area.

Set 1:
Standing military press: 8 Reps
Wide-grip upright rowing: 12 Reps
Seated bent-over deltoid flyes: 15 Reps

Set 2:
Standing military press: 8 Reps
Wide-grip upright rowing: 12 Reps
Seated bent-over deltoid flyes: 15 Reps

Set 3:
Standing military press: 8 Reps
Wide-grip upright rowing: 12 Reps
Seated bent-over deltoid flyes: 15 Reps

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