Dynamic Tension Workout Routine

If you train with weights on a regular basis dynamic tension workouts could be a very effective way to change up your cycle for 6 to 8 weeks because of injury, layoff or just something different. Dynamic tension workouts will work well for anyone who always trains with weights or does bodyweight only training. It will not only improve your cardiovascular fitness but will also increase your lean body mass.

Before listing a recommended dynamic tension routine, we need to mention a few valuable techniques that can be applied to any and all movements listed in the training routine. It should be noted that some of these techniques can also be highly effective when used with weights.

100's will obviously improve cardio fitness levels and your VO2 Max but you will find that when you return to normal dynamic tension workouts or go back to weight training the muscle bulk will be added much quicker than it used to. You simply squeeze out as many reps as you can until you reach 100 without stopping.

Iso-tension workouts will definitely improve the results that you get with weight training, it has also been conclusively shown that the benefit from doing iso-tension will also include muscle gain. Posing and holding tension in the muscle for 6 to 10 seconds works.

Rest time is as important as it has always been when training with weights but when doing dynamic tension movements and cutting your rest time down helps improve the results that you get considerably. When you can do the routine listed below with a 60 second break between sets then you need to try it with 45 seconds and so on, until you can do it without stopping to rest.

One limb movements can also increase the intensity of a movement, like doing single-legged squats or single-arm chin-ups. There are movements like single-arm push-ups and others that will all improve the amount of muscle you can add when doing simple dynamic tension movements.

Slow-motion training will also improve the results that you get with dynamic tension. If you can do an extremely slow concentric (positive) movement for up to 12 seconds and 6 seconds for the eccentric (downwards) movement, you will definitely improve the results that you get from dynamic tension training.

Flexing and moving is a technique that has been used by martial artists for probably hundreds of years in order to improve their punching power. If you can flex the muscle while it moves you will dramatically improve the results that you are getting, but it takes time and practice to tense/flex a muscle while it moves.

Deep knee bends 1 X 100 reps or 3 X 25 reps (one-legged is also an option)

Calf raises (with good stretch) 1 X 100 reps or 3 X 25 reps (one-legged is also an option)

Chin-ups (with good stretch) 1 X AMAP* or 3 X 15 (one-handed, underhanded or overhanded is also an option)

Push-ups 1 X 100 reps or 3 X 25 reps (one-handed, wide hands or narrow hands, lifting your feet higher than your chest is also an option)

Dips 1 X 100 reps or 3 X 25 reps (lifting your feet higher or adding weight to your lower than your chest or adding weight on lower chest is also an option)

Handstand push-ups (against a wall) 1 X AMAP* or 3 X 10 (Pushing upwards to full extensions on your arms and then lowering until head touches the floor)

Crunches 1 X AMAP or 3 X 25 reps

Hyperextensions 1 X AMAP* or 3 X 25 reps

*As Many As Possible (AMAP)

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