What is the Best Home Exercise Equipment

There are many ways to exercise and many good pieces of equipment such as The Bullworker, The Bowflex, The Total Gym, etc.

But what is the best thing you can get to workout at home?

The answer is simple - get a weight set!

Why a Weight Set is the Best Home Exercise Equipment You Can Buy

Despite what the late night infomercials try to tell you a good old fashioned adjustable barbell and dumbbell set is still the best home gym equipment you can get.

With just a set of weights and nothing else you can literally do hundreds of different exercises, and workout each and every part of your body.

A weight set lets you adjust the resistance for any and all strength levels, from rank beginner all the way up to super advanced.

A barbell and dumbbell set takes up very little room; it can be stored in a closet or even under a bed.

And as far as cost in concerned, it is more adorable than most anything else you could get, you could even get a good used set for as little as $50.00.

Also a metal weight set will last you whole lifetime; it won't break or wear out.

I don't care if you're a man or a women, if you just want to tone up or you want to build some serious muscle, the best exercise equipment you can get is a barbell and dumbbell set - period!

Note: To learn how to build your own exercise equipment checkout Home Gym Equipment Plans.

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