What are the Best Weight Training Motivation Videos

In today's tough competitive world the difference between success and failure is a very thin line. Adding more muscle to your body is not easy for the best of us which is why it is a good idea to always be on the lookout for new sources of inspiration and motivation.

Knowing what, when and how to train a body-part correctly is only part of the solution as you know. We need to ensure recovery time as well as correct nutrition to get results and all this comes from one key source, you. Motivation to continue when everything else is telling you to stop is not easy.

Many bodybuilders from all over the world make use of motivation videos on a regular basis in order to maintain and improve the motivation to continue. The list of motivation videos listed below has been compiled by the regular bodybuilders found on online forums and bodybuilding chat rooms.

The Law Of Gym

Whether you love Arnold Schwartznegger or you hate him, he certainly knows how to motivate bodybuilders and is probably the single most contributing factor for the explosive growth of bodybuilding that we see today. In this motivation video Arnold offers a narration explaining how to access the motivation we need to continue.

High Impact Sports Motivation Video

This motivation video is well made and includes powerful music plus some good quality editing. If you need motivation to get off the couch and start doing something, this high quality video should be watched more than once.

How Badly Do You Want Success

This motivation video has been viewed more than 15 million times for obvious reasons. Narrated by Eric Thomas it covers the training and motivation of the well-known running back Giavanni Ruffin explaining the burning desire to succeed, no matter what. Giving 100% needs extreme focus and constant motivation which Giavanni clearly shows us how to access.

Football Training Day

No matter what sport you play or what your objective is when pumping iron, the motivational advice from the Alabama strength coach is inspiring with bold statements like "If the movement you are doing feels good then you are not doing it correctly". Listening to this high powered coach screaming in your ear could be the thing you need to push a little harder.

No Excuses

If you find yourself making excuses to get to the gym and workout then this video is for you. Entertaining and easy to watch this well-made motivational video will help you get started.

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

If you are not one of the 10 million people who have already seen this inspiring video, then you need to take a look. Nick Vunicic has taught himself to stand up and talk about the motivation to succeed even though he has no arms or legs, truly inspiring.

Female Workout Motivation

If you are a female training with weights then you already know how tough it is to gain muscle. This motivation video allows us to watch a highly competitive fitness competitor called Renae Thomas. For guys seeing a pretty lady lifting more weight than they can lift can often be extremely inspiring.

How To Use Dianetics

Learn about your Reactive Mind, where are you negitive thoughts and emotions come from, and the exact techniques of how to get rid of it for good.

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